BSG 2x20 Lay Down Your Burdens, Part II

Wednesday, 5 December 2012
11 PM Eastern - 8 PM Pacific

(Calculate Time Zone)

“The same thing we always do: Fight 'em 'til we can’t.”

10 minutes til Skeevy!

according to Netflix, this episode it 67 minutes, forgot it was longer than usual.

the first ep did seem short…

confriming 1:07:54 on the blu ray…

it was short by about 1 or 2 minutes


looooong previously is looooong

Doc and the amazing bedside manner!

“Gotta love a woman who can complain even with her jaw wired shut”

…nice :smiley:

Poor Chief and Cally

love love LOVE this song!

HEY! IT’s the priest’s identical twin brother!

nice cavil cut there

Now why doesn’t Sharon rat out the two Cylons in the C-Bucs fold…hrrrmmmmmm


Cavill I think she is programmed to ignore. As much as she claims there’s no hidden programming-there is.

There’s a Simon (I think that’s the name of the Black Cylon)…he was in the fold too…I remember him more from the Plan then I do here…but he was there…

They’re HOME! yay

Highly doubtful as Kara would recognize him as her “Doctor” from The Farm

Tigh is actually kind of happy to see Kara.

The Cylon version of the Mic Drop.