BSG 2x19 Lay Down Your Burdens, Part I

Wednesday, 5 December 2012
10 PM Eastern - 7 PM Pacific

(Calculate Time Zone)

“Oh, well, maybe because I’m a Cylon, and
I’ve never seen you at any of the meetings.”

must not lay down burdens…that would cause me to nap…and no napping with Cylons about!

8 minutes to jump

After going to the super to complain about my broken toilet and having to fix his computer and wireless router (before he fixed my damn toilet mind you)…I’m ready to lay down whatever and jump into this episode…not my favorite season finale (for me it’s Season 3 and Lee’s speech despite the WTF ending :eek: )…is it 1005 yet!!!

Ready for the :05 leap.

And I am here on time instead opf being a slack ass inconsiderate boob this week! yay?

We’ll call that a “yay”.


yay! woot!

10:04 on Wednesday is THE longest minute of the week…CMONNNNNNN

Getting the DVD all cued up…

annnnnnnd JUMP!!!

I’m just past the previously and…shit forgot about this. AND IT’S THE MUSIC!

It’s an eclectic “previously”

Oh Chief…NOT a good look for you…


Chorus pedals, fretless bass chords. Heavy, bro. Heavy.

But but but all of Bear’s music is the bestest of music!!

On my iPod as well!

Bill and Laura-a surprisingly popular OTP over on tumblr.

The giggles. I forgot about this. Heh.