BSG 2x18 Downloaded

Sunday, 24 January 2010
3 PM Eastern - 12 PM Pacific

(Calculate Time Zone)

“Humans don’t respect life the way we do.”

It’s Goo time!

Get it? instead of “go” I used “goo” cuz…they’re…in…the…


I love Baltar’s scream when the nuke goes off :smiley:

LOL!! yes, you’re very clever :smiley:

for the longest I thought Baltar was a Cylon…no way he could hav e survived that with just a hot blonde to protect him

Head Baltar!!! do you know I’d actually forgotten he was in this one? forehead smack

and that only made me sure I was right that Baltar was a Cylon

I thot that too :slight_smile:

handcuffed in the goo…kinky :smiley:

Sharons scream…damn

and it’s Arbor Day on Caprica :stuck_out_tongue:

Head Baltar looks like a pimp

dont get me started… :smiley:

cracked me up when Sean brought that up…

LOL–“upgrade the plumbing”!! I love Cottle

“you’re a hero of the Cylon” --and the Audra in my head says, “–zzzzzz”

how did Doral know it was THAT Six…they all pretty much look the same…

ME TOO!!! even said “zzz” under my breath

Sam: “could be dozens of Skinjobs…”



Perhaps her jacket was teal. :stuck_out_tongue: