BSG 2x15 Scar

Wednesday, 7 November 2012
10 PM Eastern - 7 PM Pacific

(Calculate Time Zone)

“I can’t remember any of their faces after they’re
killed. No matter how hard I try, they just fade.”


I was about to start searching for the fraking thread!!

Personal victory-everyone went to bed so I GET THE BIG TV and post from the laptop. No switching screens.

EPIC WIN :slight_smile:

Geesh…Kara seems so broken here…

Kind of does make the last episode seem more out of phase. There Lee was an idiot here he’s the one with his head on straight.

True…not sure if that was just them erasing BM as if it never existed…or to say more Lee found himself after putting a cap in the guy’s head…I’m more thinking they scrubbed the deck and all events aside of Fisk dying simply never happened…

Actually I think it makes it more real…this is not a normal situation in the least. People adapt & are strong when someone else isn’t & when they let go they’re a frakkin mess

Funny how Kara is becoming more and more like the man she hates so (Tigh) in her crash and burn…

It does happen to the best of us…

Weird Raiders can resurrect but centurions can’t. What-ground troops aren’t as important?

Ground troops are easier to rebuild and replace me thinks…Raiders are pretty big too…and FTL’s are a bitch to make I’d bet

Maybe they use the “organic” that resurrects to help calculate FTL too. That would make a little sense that you’d want the experience to never be lost.
But ground tactics are needed too-otherwise it’s all massed assaults with “dumb” troops.

That’s what the 12 Humanoid Models are for…field leadership and tactics…look how much trouble the Fleet is having rebuilding Vipers…

that 9%'s a bitch ain’t it Kara?

we’re all gonna die so…WE’RE ALL GONNA GET LAID!

I approve of this logic…dying pent-up is no way to go :stuck_out_tongue:

Poor Kara has sooooo lost it…

Kat can be a bitch but she’s right about it. Sort of like Tigh really.

Sometimes it takes a true asshole to be able to say and do the right thing…I know the feeling…I do it lots…

For all the stuff with Lee, Helo really REALLY is Kara’s best friend.