BSG 2x13 Epiphanies

Wednesday, 31 October 2012
10 PM Eastern - 7 PM Pacific

(Calculate Time Zone)

“One of the most interesting things about being President
is that you don’t have to explain yourself. To anyone.”

Special Halloween viewing – teh ossim! =)

don’t forget part 2 of resurrection ship too!

Bueller? Bueller?

wrong thread :slight_smile:
go back an episode!


5 minutes to jump

hey guys, I think the cylons evolved

phew…I got wrapped up in finding that lil sports speech to text to someone…almost missed my mark!

… and they might even have a plan!

I can tell you, being wheeled around on a stretcher is definitely weird

dramatic near death flashbacks OF SURPRISING INTEREST!

the stretcher cam is an awesome POV shot I must say…

Troops against teachers? Adar was really Scott Walker? (too political?)

Well GD, Ron Moore has been stunningly parallel with this show

Killing that baby is truly cutting off your nose to spite your face there Laura…

INteresting how Adama can even shock Baltar into not actingly like a fool for 5 minutes

Man she DOES leave Baltar in the most embarrassing positions sometimes!!

“oh no, we’re forced into conflict”

And how many times has Galactica STARTED a fight? twice? and ran a few dozen times?

I still call bullshit on her having enough memory to remember someone she’d had NO reason to know or remember from before the attack on her spotting 6 and Baltar like that…that always bothered me…