BSG 2x12 Resurrection Ship, Part II

Wednesday, 24 October 2012
11 PM Eastern - 8 PM Pacific

(Calculate Time Zone)

“You said that humanity never asked itself why
it deserved to survive. Maybe you don’t.”

spinning up FTL. Warming up. Recalling vipers. Prep the caffeine.

I’m still finishing up part 1 from last week so I’ll be a few minutes late

I call a vote if you want us to wait. If it’s only a few minutes I don’t see why not.

Helluva time for my wireless router to need a reboot…grrrrrr

well I’m all ready!!

Did you want to hold a few minutes for Casilda to catch up?

are we a go…or waiting up??

let’s hold until 10 after, then go ahead. (I need a final potty break anyway)

consdiering the mood in my wireless router…I concur

(finds long-ass Ethernet cable…)

awesome, I’m almost set - Papadama’s talking to kara and Cain’s plotting with her dude, at the end of Part I.

…and jump!

I want you all to know, I blame you all, and especially Badger, for screwing me up on this craaaaaaaap.

let us know when you hit end credits and we’ll hit play

wow made it on time for the late start!

spooling up then, great timing, thanks for waiting friends

play has been hit. SPOILER-CYLONS CREATED BY MAN?!

A little flustered, and lost…where are we?

we just started…I’m in the “previously”

This scene really freaked me out the first time I saw it

and Lee’s in the water…can’t blame him…that calm and serenity of it being over must be appealing through all this chaos going on…