BSG 2x11 Resurrection Ship, Part I

Sunday, 3 January 2010
2 PM Eastern - 11 AM Pacific

(Calculate Time Zone)

“I’m afraid this can only end one way.
You’ve got to kill her.”

I’ll be here. :slight_smile:

I’ll be here too. Awesome episodes! Blackbird ftw!!

I’m here !! :slight_smile:

Here~! And pressing play!

Beginning now…
Still love the music.

I wish I’d remembered there was an extended version of Pegasus on this disc!! I would’ve watched it this morning

Gah! I hate Cain!

Gods, the recap is so intense.

This is Starbuck at her best. Go girl!

I know! I was watching SG-1 all morning, and could have easily watched Pegasus instead.

the “righteous” and self-important manner about her–ugh!!

Ah Cat - so good to see her again.

let’s–be friendly!!!

Hey! Did Doc Cottle just show some emotion?! Gods!

OMGs the standoff! Awesome!!! What a way to end the half season :smiley:

I love rebellious Lee in these episodes.

Sounds like a limited-edition action figure. :slight_smile:

it does happen. once more in season 4, I think :smiley:

Hee hee! They’re IMing!