Sunday, 3 January 2010
2 PM Eastern - 11 AM Pacific
(Calculate Time Zone)
“I’m afraid this can only end one way.
You’ve got to kill her.”
Sunday, 3 January 2010
2 PM Eastern - 11 AM Pacific
(Calculate Time Zone)
“I’m afraid this can only end one way.
You’ve got to kill her.”
I’ll be here.
I’ll be here too. Awesome episodes! Blackbird ftw!!
I’m here !!
Here~! And pressing play!
Beginning now…
Still love the music.
I wish I’d remembered there was an extended version of Pegasus on this disc!! I would’ve watched it this morning
Gah! I hate Cain!
Gods, the recap is so intense.
This is Starbuck at her best. Go girl!
I know! I was watching SG-1 all morning, and could have easily watched Pegasus instead.
the “righteous” and self-important manner about her–ugh!!
Ah Cat - so good to see her again.
let’s–be friendly!!!
Hey! Did Doc Cottle just show some emotion?! Gods!
OMGs the standoff! Awesome!!! What a way to end the half season
I love rebellious Lee in these episodes.
Sounds like a limited-edition action figure.
it does happen. once more in season 4, I think
Hee hee! They’re IMing!