BSG 2x09 Flight of the Phoenix

Sunday, 27 December, 2009
2 PM Eastern - 11 AM Pacific

(Calculate Time Zone)

“Months on the run, and what do we have to show for it?
Casualties. Deteriorating conditions. This crew needs a
rest. It’s finally hitting them, that’s all. Our old lives are
gone. The only thing we have to look forward to is this.”

anybody else frakking today?? this is one of my FAVORITE EPISODES!!!

Cylon logic bomb traced to Thotfullguy’s new printer :eek:

HPsnort :smiley:

I hate how they treat Helo :frowning: but I love Kara standing up for him :slight_smile:

poor, sad Chief :frowning: I think I may just cry

eeeeew, cally and seelix have the same really bad hairstyle

So the fleet has an un-ending supply of cigs but no highball glasses?

on cally it’s bad, but on seelix it’s downright tragic

illustrating the deprivation without sacrificing the badass

Chief very very lucky Helo didn’t want to hurt him.

whoa, Dee with the scrambled & fried brains. maybe this explains why she becomes such a bitca to Billy :frowning:

true, but Chief very scary with wrench poised to bash head in. Helo lucky he came to his senses

Pull yourself together Gaeta! Next thing you know you’ll be leading an insurrection or something…


It’s nothing to lose your leg over…

This must have been very close to what it looked like when Chuck, Sean, and their crew built the Viper Simulator! Except more swearing. :slight_smile:

pulling together and doing the impossible–no matter how hopeless it seems. that’s why I love this show

see?? Dee got brainfried and now out of the blue she’s got the hots for Lee

who else thot looking at that printout flipped a switch in Sharon’s programming?