BSG 2x09 Flight of the Phoenix

Wednesday, 17 October 2012
10 PM Eastern - 7 PM Pacific

(Calculate Time Zone)

“Months on the run, and what do we have to show for it?
Casualties. Deteriorating conditions. This crew needs a
rest. It’s finally hitting them, that’s all. Our old lives are
gone. The only thing we have to look forward to is this.”

Bumping it up for the watch!

these are two more ‘feel-good’ episodes after the Home 2-parter. Kinda nice, knowing how dark this show can get.

90 seconds…I hate the “in-between time”…feels like forever…

That’s what snack runs and potty breaks are for.

Has Dee gotten to do a previously before? I don’t remember

I usually watch the deleted scenes…but they were short and not worth a mention for that one…it’s a small apartment I can scurry around it too fast to keep myself busy for 10 minutes…that almost sounds like a caffeine issue…heh

oh…it’s 11…nice!!!

I don’t think so, but there’s got to be a list somewhere of who does what episodes. (and if there’s a rhymne or reason to it)

I mean obviously the person who does it has some kind of meaning for the episode (don’t you remember analyzing all of it!?) but I find that battlestarwiki is not nearly as comprehensive as, say, memory alpha for star trek.

GO STARBUCK for standing up for Helo. You love who you love, the end.

and no one what’s to be Helo’s friend anymore :frowning:

I never put this together before but is that the Viper Kat just wrecked?

even after the world ends people are still dicks and judge you for who your GF is…geesh…

I think so…that bird is a MESS…so is the guy trying to fix it…poor Chief…

The shots they use for this show are endlessly amazing

well we know that humanity is seriously frakked up. but we’ve got some good sides, too.

and Racetrack finds the table!

Well that was ugly

I never did either…it must be though

Yeah I know…there’s a lot of times this show hits home a little too close sometimes though…that’s all…this show always does, it’s why I connected to it so…

man I SO feel the Chief’s rage right there…