BSG 2x07 Home, Part II

Sunday, 20 December, 2009
2 PM Eastern - 11 AM Pacific

(Calculate Time Zone)

“We made a decision to leave the Colonies after the
attack. We made the decision. It was the right one
then, and it’s the right one now. Because every
moment of every day since then is a gift.”

We’re a little behind today… Starting at 2:35pm EST/11:35 PST

so when shall we start? (behind is good, as I just calculated the time difference and realized what time it was lol)

Lady D and I decided :35. Does that work for you?

greetings, lovely ladies!!

Bear McCreary… sigh

I’m a bit late… had to find the discs… but here I am :slight_smile: and pressing play

Grrrrr. Now Grandma called.

It happens. I had a 12 hour notice that we were going to the world of no connectivity for a week last Sunday… sigh.

I love this episode, and part 1 too. Awesomeness with awesomesauce and a side of awesome :slight_smile:

I know! The music is awesome!

frakkin’ relatives!! :smiley:

ah, allegro

Well, my sister called at :15, too. I haven’t had a phone call in 24 hrs. :rolleyes:

And I do too! This was such a glimpse of hope.

Look at that rain. Kobol is a nice place to visit. I wouldn’t want to live there. Not to mention the whole blood price.

Great cuts here, between Gaeta-Tigh-Adama and the group on Kobol.

And now Adama gets serious about visions. The metaphysical turn, I love thee :slight_smile:

Helo and Athena outside in the rain, yummy :stuck_out_tongue:

I hate the phone. I turn it off. No landline for me, either.

oh my. Solai’s lucky chair :wink:

But it’s still prettier than New Caprica…

The editing of this show was truly something special.

Tricia is too skinny.

Nekkid Six. It’s good to be Gaius.