BSG 2x06 Home, Part I

Sunday, 13 December, 2009
3 PM Eastern - 12 PM Pacific

(Calculate Time Zone)

“I’m putting the fleet back together. I’m putting
our family back together. This ends now.”

Pressing play!

craaaaaap!! I hate doing 2 part eps not-on-the-same-day!!

It drives me crazy.

Oh, Elosha! whimper

Elosha talking about the cost of returning to Kobol…waaaaaah

Starbuck’s triumphant return!!! :slight_smile: one of many

OMGs, I’d forgotten about that kiss

Ouch! That’s gonna leave a mark!

I know! I always loved Lee and Kara together…

me too. much as I love Sam, Lee is The One

ExacTly. Unfinished Business breaks my heart.

mine too. the two of them, so flawed, so frightened :frowning:

If someone wants to tell me at what part to sync up i’ll join in


Adama talking to the reporters

oh, craaap! I’ve got it on “play all” so I can’t give you a time index for this ep :frowning:

good to see you on a frak, j-bob! :smiley:

Huh- I’d forgotten the brown dress. Pretty!

Ugh. Laura’s prejudice rankles. She’s so bitter.

I love overly philosophical Baltar.