BSG 2x04 Resistance

Wednesday, 26 September 2012
11 PM Eastern - 8 PM Pacific

(Calculate Time Zone)

“I’ve known the Chief for years. He’s no Toaster!”

Are you rebelling?

“play” has been hit

We are getting so close to getting the whole team back together.

This is a long “previously”

The previously got skipped entirely for me, thanks? Netflix.

Stupid Tigh.

It really is a long one.

and the mess gets deeper…

I’m on Netflix and it showed me?!

Sol and Tyrol fighting over who is and isn’t a Cylon…pretty hilarious :smiley:

Dude, Tigh, he just got back from Kobol…

I am not a cylon…whoops. Granted both of them are.

I dislike Tigh at this point.

“I love Adama”

“-That’s what she said”

-my rewrite

It really kinda is.

Why hello, Anders. (which I totally mistyped as Andres whoops)

LOL oh the navigation issues

Aaron can do pissed off scary really well

OH! I HATED Tigh at this point

If they’ve been fighting Cylons for so long and so successfully wouldn’t they have realized there is a limited number of models, and they aren’t them?

I love how they use the different filters (at least I think that is what they are) to designate what world we are on.

Yellow for Caprica
Really Green/crisp green for Kobol

“that word is racist. I don’t like her.”

oh, Head Six.

um…All blondes look alike?
Or maybe these are “new models”