BSG 2x02 Valley Of Darkness

Sunday, November 29, 2009
3 PM Eastern - 12 PM Pacific

(Calculate Time Zone)

“Let’s go toaster shopping.”

start at :20? I need a little break, if it’s okay with you, sweetie

That is fine with me. I’m gonna heat up some lunch, myself.

meet you back here in 10 :smiley:

Looks like we don’t have a thread for 2x02 Valley of Darkness… Should we make a new thread or just continue here?

okay, D is confuzzled. Fragged is 2x03 where is 2x02?

I just DMed Badger, but let’s go ahead and continue here. he can transfer it over to the new thread later

I know! And I had to run the garbage out, too, so I’m all verklempt!

okay, starting Valley of Darkness NOW

oh, look at that–an awkward Dee/Billy moment. what are the odds?

Oooh! Scary!

poor Billy…he just never had a chance, did he? :frowning:

I know, right? sigh

those pilots should know not to be celebrating in the hangar bay. that almost never ends well

I really didn’t like Dee for a looooong time because of how she treated Billy.

Lee’s little gasps in the middle of telling Hot Dog what to do was weird…

I don’t know that I ever really liked Dee after that

he’s trying to manage his adrenaline :smiley:

I never really liked her, but I did grow to hate her less :smiley:

yeah, that about sums it up