BSG 2x02 Valley Of Darkness

Wednesday, 19 September 2012
11 PM Eastern - 8 PM Pacific

(Calculate Time Zone)

“Let’s go toaster shopping.”

spooling up…stand by to jump in 3…2…1

Aw Billy and Dee. Cute.

crap, got caught up in the deleted scenes :stuck_out_tongue:

no, not… copies!

Billy and Dee - “so, when did they let you out of jail?”

the first time I watched this episode it freaked me the frak out

dammit Olmos-you’ve been on an operating table for 2 weeks. Go make some more West Wing episodes!

Larry 1, Galactica crew 0

Geez, Dee. Are you always that melodramatic? :rolleyes:

DP would like this, the marines are doing marine-y things, the pilots are useless. :wink:

“toaster shopping” hahaha

I don’t think we ever see a Cylon go all Freddy Kreuger like that again, do we?

Pilots do the flyin’. Mobile infantry does the dyin’. :slight_smile:

well that moment passed

We see them pop claws, but I don’t think they follow through.

“We’re headed towards the gunfire.” :cool:

Kobol music!

if anything the Cylons are good at cleaning up the mess :stuck_out_tongue:

Wait till you see what the “real Sharon” did kids…

even in his dreams Baltar abdicates responsibility.
yeah this track is on my iPod lol