BSG 2x01 Scattered

Sunday, November 29, 2009
2 PM Eastern - 11 AM Pacific

(Calculate Time Zone)

“There’s nothing to talk about. You went
up against the old man and you lost.”

hooray for Mr B!!!


Shall we start at :25?

sounds like a plan. not, you know, The Plan :smiley:

Gods, what a great “Previously on…”!

Boomer doesn’t remember what’s going on. somebody must’ve stolen her elephant :smiley:

poor Saul! looks like his head might explode


This is killing me!

Tigh really was at his best when he was being forced to make the hard decisions.

and as if this day wasn’t bad enough already…somebody forgot the Thomas Guide

yeah, not so much–until he lost that eye

oh, sh… Man, it’s been so long since I’ve watched this! I’ve forgotten all the detail stuff!

yeah, Mr Vice President–it’d be great if you weren’t such a lazy, worthless POS

listen to the Chief, Crashdown!

Poor Socinus!

LOL! ExacTly!

no wonder we didn’t like Ellen at first. already burying Bill and promoting Saul–bitca!!

And Saul, Bill’s man to the last!

yeah, they let him out of the brig for this?? :frowning:

snort Baltar is so damn freaked out, it’s hysterical!

LOL!! I was just watching Bridget Jones yesterday. funny to see Gaius drooling over Hugh Grant