BSG 2x01 Scattered

Wednesday, 19 September 2012
10 PM Eastern - 7 PM Pacific

(Calculate Time Zone)

“There’s nothing to talk about. You went
up against the old man, and you lost.”

where all my Cylons at?

I don’t know but they have a Plan :wink:

ok spooling up the ftl…

And Tigh’s got the previously! In case we forgot the DRAMA from last season…

ack…Ron Moore babbling and talking about the Blu Ray:eek:

anyway…I’m here!!

Previously…last season…because it really had been a long time since last season.

It would have been REALLY bugged out to have Almos do the “previously” on this one…

the adama-stache!

I was about to say that!

Poor Boomer, she doesn’t even know what she did… poor, poor Boomer.

Tigh the jackass, here he is again.

Crocket and Tubbs must be rolling over in their graves. :stuck_out_tongue:

Gods damn, Lee looks good in cuffs. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’d forgotten about this exchange between Lee and Laura in the brig about papadama

Ah I’d forgotten how they lost the fleet in this episode

I actually soon start feeling bad for Boomer…what a mess she becomes…and poor tigh, he’s so NOT meant for command…

Nice job, Tigh. You’ve been charge for 3 minutes, and you’ve lost YOUR ENTIRE SPECIES. :eek:

no poundy drum preview this episode…

Meanwhile, back on Kobol

Where’s Waldo…I mean THE FLEET?!

Agreed. Unless it’s a resistance cell, he’s OK at that.