BSG 1x11 Colonial Day

Sunday, November 22, 2009
2 PM Eastern - 11 AM Pacific

(Calculate Time Zone)

“Any one of us could be a Cylon.”

I’m not going to be able to make it this week, what with visiting family and all. Too bad, there are a number of scenes in these that I adore (Kara’s naming mistake, for one :p)

alas, I won’t be here either, but I have the very best of excuses: a breakfast date with Dawnie & BrettAZ!! :smiley: have a great frak, all!! looking forward to reading your brilliance later :wink:

Hope to be here.

I’m here.

Starting …now

Me too. Hiya!

Jeeze Boomer looks like she’s about 17.

Bickering news talking heads - so boring. So full of themselves.

I’m here! Started on time, but I was grabbing a cup of chai… :smiley:

Billy Billy Billy. He looks so alive here, unlike later episodes.

Never noticed the contrast in lighting between Adama’s quarters (warm, homey) and Roslin’s living space (cool, impersonal).

“We need to let this play out.” Wow, if they only knew what a pain Zarek would really become. I’m thinking “Airlock Now”

ALmost missed it, time check?

Zarek: “A new era is about to dawn.”

I seem to remember an early STNG episode in which Wesley Crusher utters almost the same line.

7 minutes in

yup, Baltar in the lab, Kara just left

Baltar and his infamous Cylon Detector. He should have just gotten the iPhone app like I did.

Hi gang !

Love the playful moment with Starbuck and Apollo

Love the waterfight

Aw! Love Kara and Lee playing with the hose!