BSG 1x10 The Hand Of God

Wednesday, 29 August 2012
11 PM Eastern - 8 PM Pacific

(Calculate Time Zone)

“Sometimes, you have to roll the hard six.”

If you’re into authentic-looking space vehicle motion, this is your episode, friends!

I may be looking at visual eye-candy (that isn’t certain Cylon models for once) too much and not post.

this is a fun one. wow, season 1 was really fabulous. :slight_smile:

standby for playback in 3…2…1

I have to wonder how in the world did the reporters left organized so quickly

This is the creepiest damn scene!

I think most of the reporters were on Colonial 1 during the attack to cover the de-commissioning. The others just sort of made contact later.

Snakes. Why’d it have to be …snakes.

I had forgotten just how good season 1 (and a good part of 2 from what I remember) are.

Oh, you’re probably right…I hadn’t thought of that

I absolutely LOVE this song!

I miss hearing the Dradis sound every week.

See snakes don’t really bother me (at least the ones I have met, both wild and not)

Snakes give me the chills & heeby jeebys no matter what

Adama is SUCH a bad ass in this episode!

I want some of those model ships. Why didn’t they make them for this series!?! (I kind of know but still…)

These two are always finding everything - the water, the tillium (and don’t they find Kobol as well?)

They’re the Hufflepuffs before Racetrack shows up. (inside joke for those that get it)

Am I behind everyone again??? I am at the end of the intro (the here is what is happening in this episode)