BSG 1x09 Tigh Me Up, Tigh Me Down

Wednesday, 29 August 2012
10 PM Eastern - 7 PM Pacific

(Calculate Time Zone)

“Any one of us could be a Cylon.”

I am here, this is such a great episode!

Netflix started and pause hit right away, just waiting on the “go”

I am here (my reward for being most of the way packed - just waiting for some socks to dry), and I love these 2 episodes.

Yep we got us a coupla good uns :slight_smile:

start at 5 after?

that’s what we’ve been doing, yes GD


and I’ve started…did you know the cylons were created by man?

That was really craaaapy of Leoben. I worried about adama being a Cylon for a long ol time

is Tigh burning the picture I “redo” from the miniseries?

That was a pretty cool opening shot

Billy & Dee. sigh

Yes, they reshot that part of the scene

I am a minute or so behind…I was texting my friend making plans for tomorrow…

Me too! Right up until the final reveal of the last of the 5

“If I’m a Cylon you’re REALLY screwed”

OK, I think I caught up. Gaeta just gave Adama the report and it talking to Laura

I love how Mary plays Roslin, she really plays up her vulnerabilities to get what she needs


goes back to normal