BSG 1x08 Flesh And Bone

Wednesday, 22 August 2012
11 PM Eastern - 8 PM Pacific

(Calculate Time Zone)

“You’ve lost sight of the purpose of the law: to protect
its citizens, not persecute them. Whatever we are,
whatever’s left of us – we’re better than that.”

10 minutes until start…do I want popcorn for this one?

Hey I just met you//and this is crazy//but I’m a stalkerish Cylon//so Airlock me maybe.

Did you start already? I am just starting now

think you were a little offside on starting the ep :smiley:

no,but I know the plot. starting now

And Aaron with the previously…don’t think we go that too often.

and the Starbuck and Leoben episode! wow two great ones tonight. But season 1 is really just all around excellent.

Ahhh, it has been awhile since I have watched these two…they aren’t my favorites (next week though - 2 of my all time favs)

oh airlock foreshadowing…

it’s amazing how many of the Cylons were more fascinated with the humans then hellbent on destroying them…

That darn Camala (or however you spell it).

And Leoben makes a second appearance.

“half-baked philosophy”
so, like those late night college jam sessions?

They were curious about us, and while they were out for our destruction as a whole I think the ones we meet are like children - curious, yet wanting to surpass their parents.

Starbuck like a knuckle-dragger! And still referring to the Raider as a she :slight_smile:

He mixes his lies with truth.
That’s the best way to lie, from what I’ve read about plagiarists.

though as the show grows on I’m more convinced the whole thing was a Cavill-led tantrum and not much else and he just bullied or talked everyone else into coming along…

Leoben never gets into peoples head :rolleyes: …

Granted he always had a thing for Starbuck

Yeah it was really the ones and fives that didn’t seem too interested. Knowing how Cylon politics plays out down the road, interesting foreshadowing of a sort.

You mean the killing part - I can see that logic - Cavill having a fit and convincing the rest of them

Foreshadow much Boomer?

Boomer. He didn’t break up with you because you’re a Cylon. He broke up with you because of Socinus.

This scene is so awesome. :cool: