BSG 1x04 Act of Contrition

Wednesday, 8 August 2012
11 PM Eastern - 8 PM Pacific

(Calculate Time Zone)

“Do your job.”

Are we starting this one on the hour, or 5 after?

Let us decide that now lol

Gonna be joining on this one =)

Well last week I was told 5 after…I iz new at this multiple episodes in one night thing. Heck, this (meaning the last 3 weeks) is the first time I have been around for a rewatch Frak party…

Seriously! I vote for on the hour, since most of us are just sliding over from Bastille Day.

Back in the day we always used to start rewatches at 15 after, but I don’t remember when but at some point Badger was like, hey people we need to start on the hour. And since he was at most of the frak parties and started then, most of the rest of us caught on. But now that we’re doing this BSG thing and there are more people it’s a bit more fluid. So… yeah! Just tell me when to press play, please! :slight_smile:

I’m in favor of five after for the first and on the hour for the second…less downtime inbetween…

the bad part is the only people who’d object to on the hour-probably aren’t here to object. (busy on potty runs, snack runs, etc)

The other question I have is are we just using the forum clock as the time, my computer is like 7 min ahead of that…but I think my computer is off anyyway

my time and forum time appear to be in sync with one another.

Wait, there’s a forum clock? Where?

What he said

very very bottom of the page. “All times are GMT -4. The time now is X”

I actually like this plan - gives everyone time to run to the potty, but not so much time in between that I get antsy

My computer’s time is the same as forum time so… go with that, I guess?

gods! How clueless am I?

OK let’s get previously-ing

oooh Kara! subtle!

hey! The Cylons were created by man! (play button hit)

It wasn’t just that. Newbies were showing up on time, seeing no one was ever here, and just stopped showing up. Plus there’s the slippery slope of tardiness. Someone’s always running a little late, so inevitably things got pushed back further and further — or, more likely, everyone was completely out of sync.

That said, well, whatever y’all prefer. It’s been a long time since enough people attended a frak party for this to even matter. :eyebrow: