Browser wars

So google chrome just launched. Has anybody tried using it out? What are your thoughts? And, more generally, which browser do you think reigns supreme (er, Iron Chef, sorry)?

Personally, I’m a firefox user through and through but I have to admit that Google Chrome is slick. It’s a bit buggy, but it’s just a beta and it’s already showing butt loads of promise. What do you guys think?

(and this is my first thread so I’m really really sorry if I put this in the wrong section of the forum)

Generally I like the Safari interface best but use Firefox because it works with more web pages and the cool plugins. IE I don’t care much for but to be honest i’m on a mac so there compatible browser really is the pour cousin. of current IE for PC as for chrome i’m interested in it but the good folks and our future overlords from google haven’t made a Mac version yet

Firefox cause…Greasemonkey and I’m used to it now. Chrome maybe later

I mostly use Opera. Although for the odd site that Opera has a problem with I switch to Chrome.

I’m a Mac guy, but I have a PC at work. At work, I used to use IE, because I did a lot of web-based database work, and Firefox threw off the way I worked.

Now I don’t do the database work, and I recently switched to Firefox. Wow, is it faster.

Safari and Mobile Safari mostly, with FF for accessing certain sites where it works better.

Firefox, I like the Foxmarks option.

I have tried Safari a couple of times, I mainly use it for Hulu watching since I started getting errors when accessing on FF. I feel much safer than using IE.

I almost always use Firefox.

The only thing i use IE for is to watch Netflix and watch How i Met your mother on For some reason CBS don’t like Firefox. Stupid CBS

Ah yes MLS, I need to use IE for both of those sites as well.

I have been a Chrome convert. I was a heavy Firefox user, dabbled in Safari but found it didn’t work with many websites. Chrome is awesome. I only keep IE around for Netflix and working from home.

Really? It works fine for me. Maybe one of your add-ons is interfering with it?

Oh, and Firefox all the way. If Netflix would finally get off their sorrybarbs and offer cross-platform support, I’d probably uninstall IE altogether…

I suspect Adblock is interfering with both CBS & Hulu, Poofy.

I’ve had issues with NoScript and FlashBlock as well. All of them have whitelist options that allow specific sites to be used without interference.

You are probably right. Hulu doesn’t seem to be to much of an issue. But i’d rather not get rid of Adblock. I love not seeing so many ads. Its kinda weird seeing the layout for some sites without ads though.

I have both of those as well…so it could be any of the three I suppose.