Browncoats!!!!! Help Name Node 3 of the ISS

given that there were a few votes for the other names, there’s no way Serenity can achieve a 100% plurality… But it would be cool to get the percentages as high as possible lol… I plan on voting once per day as long as the contest is open :cool:

So I saw this and went and voted - and then got an e-mail from a friend who works on neat stuff on the ISS about this, too :slight_smile: I must be destined to vote early and often on this, hehehe.

Hmm, looks like Serenity is going to win this. Still at 96%, trouncing the other candidates. I am sanguine about the prospect.


10 char


FIT…I should know better than read your posts while simultaneously sipping hot coffee. You owe me a new keyboard …

…Or a new final Cylon reveal…

Wait! That won’t work… just send me a check for one billion gazillion trillion Zimbabwe bank notes.

It means hopeful. Plus, a point of information, it also means bloody. That pretty much covers all the options, don’t it?


10 char :cool:

Voted. This thread needs to be stickied so we don’t forget to use the link!

C’mon guys, Serenity is only at 81% - vote early and vote OFTEN. We need to get back to 96%+ :wink:

Woohoo! 81%! Thanks for the link!

And it’s the perfect name: imagine sitting in that capsule, with the panoramic view of space… would certainly make me feel serene. The windows even kinda look like what’s in Serenity’s kitchen.

It is a proven fact that people in space do not have to craaap often. I know this because I watched 4 entire series of Star Trek:


On one drunken evening I brought this up at a party. Most of the people were 90210 fans (If ya get what I mean) and they’re all talking about relationships and soap operay stuff. One of the folks kept saying someone was treating someone like shit and my buddy was sitting there making mouthy movements with his hands and rolling his eyes so I asked, “Speaking of shit, where is the shitter on the Enterprise?”

Then I continued to the amazement of the populace for next 15 minutes about the possible reasons for their lack of plumbing. Everytime someone snickered or made a smart-arse remark about scifi or geeks they became the subject of my triad. For example I said to a gaffaw, “It’s not funny. If you’re in a high pressure moment like the Klingons attacking or imminent warp core implosion. You don’t want a turtle-head peeking. They had transporter tech. Perhaps they just beamed it into space but then would their anus lose its ability to extract after awhile?” You get the point.

By the end of the 15 minutes I had a frustrated audience. I was an obxnious teen and I had interrupted their incredibly thot-provoking-dating-drama discussion. Finally I stopped, stared at each person and said, “I got to take a crap.” There was a mixed reaction. Some were laughing, others were disgusted.

Voted! Again! Serenity is at 82%!

Side note: WTF? Earthrise?

yeah its one of those crappy space-operaish, romantic-type names nasa-ites love… shows how in touch they are with the universe…

Voted! Serenity at 82%.

Voted again this morning…Serenity at 86%.

Voted again: 86%! Woohoo!

and speaking of names: wonder why “Enterprise” isn’t on the short list… you’d figure every Trekker and the mother he lives with would be voting this up, like us Browncoats.

Argggh. Can’t stand that $hit. Wait… You know what I mean.

Funny story!

Well, the first space shuttle was already named Enterprise, so…maybe NASA’s just editing them out as they come in.

Serenity’s holding strong at 86%…