Book Club Selection: November

Greetings and Salutations fellow GWC Book Crüe and welcome to the officially rebooted Book Club.

Please note:

  • You will be able to vote for multiple books
  • You will have 15 books to chose from
  • Campaigning is recommended. This is friendly and fun. If you have thoughts about a particular book…let us know!
  • Your votes will be public per the vote
  • Voting will close on October 31

Be sure to take a look around the forum to read some very interesting discussions which may help you decide what to vote on!

Personally, my favorite of these three is A Scanner Darkly. What can I say, I like depressing books. At least it’s not as bad as Watchmen :p.

That said, from a “book club” perspective, I’d have to say Neuromancer should be the next choice for us. It’s arguably one of the most influential pieces of science fiction of the last couple of decades, and that has to count for something.

Thanks for rebooting the book club. I’ve missed it!

Neuromancer please! I need to hurry up and finish Snow Crash…

I am rooting for World War Z…I am about a quarter into it…and it is amazing. Really well written, not a schlock story at all.

Old Man’s War looks interesting.

“Neuromancer” would be a nice follow-up to “Snow Crash.” It’s the other major cyberpunk book, but it’s a very different tone.

“Neuromancer” is the reason i passed my AP english exam. I used it in my Long essay (probably one of the only ones taking the test) My teacher told me afterwards that i either bombed or nailed it. I nailed it.

World War Z is great but should be read with its companion book The Survivors Guide to a Zombie Invasion or (something like that).

and Moon is a Harsh Mistress is one if Heinlein’s best i think.


and Moon is a Harsh Mistress is one if Heinlein’s best i think.
Except, of course, that I was waiting for the twist to happen the entire book and then there was no twist…


You totally missed one


I gotta say Old Man’s War, since I’ve read it I can highly recommend it and it’s not to often that a blast though a book in 2 days, this one I did.

Really cool that we’re seeing a sort of turn toward classic sci-fi here. If it wasn’t for the GWC book club, I totally would’ve missed Snow Crash, which would’ve been a big, big mistake. I’ve read Foundation, but if it wins, I’ll read it again just to discuss. Classic stuff!

I concur. I got Snow Crash sitting here on my desk and plan on starting to read it tonight.

Ditto. Would love to re-read The Foundation.

Ooo, Foundation. That could pretty cool. Argh, my reading backlog is so full. I need like 40 hours a day.

Vote me down for WWZ I can’t vote though cause I’m going through a proxy and it doesn’t work good with these multiple choice votin thingers plz

Oh no I forgot to vote :frowning: I’m so ashamed…