Book Club Selection, November/December 2009

Dear readers, the poll is here again.

Per past practice, please recall that:
[li]You may vote for as many of the options listed as you would like. In fact, it is encouraged.
[/li][li]Don’t be shy, share your opinion of the books! Lobby for your favorites, and feel free to read through the threads already dedicated to these books (and add to them, if you feel so moved). Friendly and fun is our motto here.
[/li][li]Your votes will be public.
[/li][li]Voting will close October 31 (spooky!), and the Book Club Discussion thread posted November 1.[/ul]
Happy voting! (and reading :))

“Kindred” is a must-read.

Wow. I would vote for half of that list. I am going to have to seriously think about this…or hold out to the last day and sell my vote to the highest bidder.

There ain’t no way anyone but Cassy herself is getting through Cryptonomicon, not only is it long but it’s DENSE.

I read it last summer.

If anyone cares to look at the nomination thread, I have my issues with Cryptonomicon. Plus, it is quite long, which might make it more difficult for people with limited time to read.

Keep on voting everyone! :smiley:

For a Stephenson book it’s a short breeze of a read…

For a Stephenson book

Reading Cryptonomicon will finally give me a reason to delve into cryptography, and maybe it will spur me to finally make that home Van Eck phreaking device ive been wanting to build.

I voted for lost symbol as I am already 200 pages in. So far seems pretty good if you like Dan Brown’s other novels.

may i suggest for future consideration Lucifer’s Hammer by Larry Niven.

here is a link to the wikipedia entry about it.'s_Hammer

Thanks for having a book club. This place just keep getting cooler. :slight_smile:

Niven’s novel was suggested back in 2007; be sure to bump that thread next time nominations come around - which will be the first half of December. :slight_smile:

I voted for a bunch! Good choices. There are several that I have already read and would end up passing on if they were chosen. But that is only becase my to be read list is hundreds of title long.

Will do! :slight_smile:

Question from a newb, How do you handle Ties? has there ever been one?

Happily we’ve never had a tie. However, if one were to occur, there would be a run-off poll.

Looks like Sagan’s Contact is in the lead, cant say Im disappointed.
Interesting to note that according to wikipedia, Simon and Schuster gave Carl Sagan an advance of 2mil$ for the book, the largest advance ever for a book that had yet to be written (this was in 1981). Money well spent I think, more people like Carl Sagan should be given oodles of cash.

Though I was silly and forgot to vote before the deadline, we have a winner! Thank you to all who voted, and tune in again in December to help pick the next book club selection :slight_smile:

Check out the discussion of Contact here.