Book Club Selection: December

Greetings and Salutations fellow GWC Book Crüe and welcome to the officially rebooted Book Club.

Please note:

  • You will be able to vote for multiple books
  • You will have 15 books to chose from
  • Campaigning is recommended. This is friendly and fun. If you have thoughts about a particular book…let us know!
  • Your votes will be public per the vote
  • Voting will close on November 31

Be sure to take a look around the forum to read some very interesting discussions which may help you decide what to vote on!

Also, note if you don’t have a copy of a book and were planning to purchase it the links below are hooked up to the GWC Amazon account.

[FONT=Verdana]Adams, Douglas - “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”
Asimov, Isaac - “I, Robot”
Brooks, Max - “World War Z: An Oral History Of The Zombie War”
Carr, Caleb - “The Alienist”
Dick, Philip - “A Scanner Darkly”
Durrell, Gerald - “My Family and Other Animals”
Finney, Jack - “Time and Again”
Gibson, William - “Neuromancer”
Heinlein, Robert A. - “The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress”
Lem, Stanislaw - “Solaris”
Scalzi, John - “Old Man’s War”
Shaara, Michael, - “The Killer Angels”
Shelley, Mary - “Frankenstein”
Silva, Ulises - “Solstice”
Steakley, John - “Armor”[/FONT]

I make a point of re-reading the whole “increasingly poorly named trilogy” of five books every other year or so, simply because it reminds me that no matter how much effort I put into my own writing, I am a plump, vine-ripened light-year away from the masters of the craft.

“Vell, Zaphod’s just zis guy, you know?” :slight_smile:

That’s awesome…I actually sprang for the leather bound compendium way back in the day.

I am going to continue to lobby for, “The Alienist” which in my opinion is one of the best books I have ever read.

sigh A Game of Thrones got knocked off. I guess I’ll just read that on my own; it’s not like I’ll have a shortage of time this December. I guess I’d like Neuromancer (more cyberpunk please) or The Moon is a Harsh Mistress (I’m in a Heinlein mood). And I’m hearing a lot of good things about Old Man’s War, which intrigues me.

EDIT: Could this be a tie between Hitchhiker’s Guide and Neuromancer? o_O
EDIT2: Nevermind, Hitchhiker’s Guide just pulled ahead one vote. I’m guess it’s probably going to win this one.

Still voting for Old Man’s War, it had been awhile since I had blown though a book that fast, it really keeps movie and has a great sory.

What the heck kind of SF book club would we be if we didn’t tackle Neuromancer?

Hear, hear! Though this is admittedly a seriously kick-ass list. I’ve read a bunch of the books on the list, and more than a couple of 'em are on my short list. You know it’s a good list when you don’t vote for a couple of books that you truly love and appreciate–just because some of them seem to fit the mood better. Rock!

I’m still voting for Old Man’s War. Sounds interesting.

Huh, Hitchhiker’s guide is still ahead by one vote. This is going to be close. Come on people, vote!

I voted without checking the results and I voted for both Neuromancer and Hitchhikers Guide! I guess it will be a tight race.

I read Neuromancer when it was first published in 1984 (jimminy, that long ago?!?). I’d love to re-read it. The same with Hitchhiker’s Guide, so I’m torn which one I’d prefer.

For Hitchhiker’s Guide, are we talking about the first book or the entire series? The series is pretty lengthy, even for one month…

It may have been mentioned before, but I think it definitely needs to be added next time (better book in my opinion):

Stranger in a Strange Land
Robert Heinlein

I grok that some will actually enjoy this over the Moon is a harsh mistress and Starship Troopers (personally Troopers and Stranger are equal as literary works but very different reasons).

Agree and Agree. Neuromancer is on my to do list, but for me I am in the mood for the following (in order - characters, ideas, etc): :smiley:

Hari Seldon (check and completed) - Asimov
Zaphod, Ford, Trillum, Dent, Marvin, etc (winning currently) - Adams
Valentine Michael Smith Grok’s - Heinlein
I robot - Asimov
Neuromancer - Gibson
Rendevous with Rama - Clarke
Lije Bailey - Asimov
Johnny Rico - Heinlein
Have Spacesuit will travel - Heinlein (we have to read at least one of his kids books - this one’s the best IMHO)
The Years of Rice and Salt - Robinson
Red Mars - Robinson
The Songs of Distant Earth - Clarke
Footfall - Pournelle
Ringworld - Niven
Falkenberg’s Legions - Pournelle
The Mote in God’s Eye - Pournelle/Niven
Farenheit 451 or Slaughterhouse Five - Vonnegut
Dune - Herbert
The Memory of Whiteness - Robinson
The White Plague - Herbert
Janniseries - Pournelle
Dies the Fire - Stirling

Of course, personal preferences only.

I still think that some people under appreciate Starship Troopers. I think too many remember the movie or think that it’s advocating ideals that it really isn’t. There are quite a few in this list that are incredibly quick reads as well. :cool:

Votes are in and Hitchhiker’s Guide has it FTW!