Boardwalk Empire 1x01 Boardwalk Empire

Sunday, 19 September 2010
9 PM Eastern/Pacific

I’m looking forward to this, yet no HBO for me. Will need to catch it on the alternate side. :wink:

prohibition?? Makes me wanna drink :smiley:

Quickest way to get people to do things is to tell them not to. :slight_smile:

even the music feels Martin Scorsese

not the Gortons Fisherman, Ithink

Unless his haddock is chock-full of vodka-y goodness. :rolleyes:

Adrmial Ackbar “It’s a trap!!”

Ah, the stodgy old broads who don’t want anyone to have any fun. :frowning:

uphill…both ways…in the snow…everyday!

It’s hard to look at Steve Buscemi and think, “yeah, I trust this guy.” :eek:

In shoes made of cardboard! :smiley:

exactly what I was thinking…he’s totally playing them all

“First rule of politics, kid: Never let the truth get in the way of a good story.” :smiley:

“…wet as a mermaid’s twat.”

Now that’s classy. :stuck_out_tongue:

I wouldn’t think that people were really that forward thinking about what Prohibition would mean. I always imagined that they saw the profitability after the fact.

Skeezix? What thell kinda name i sthat?

At least a few of them said “state your name”. :smiley:

It’s a name you can trust! :smiley:

tell me how I can help

right up there with “What can I do for you on the day of my daughters wedding…”