Blood & Chrome!

Now that would be interesting indeed!

The second promo for that B&C podcast is up at the bottom of the above link. (direct link to MP3)

Third promo for the unofficial podcast is up at the above link. (Direct link to MP3)

Are these what are at the beginning of the podcasts or are they different?

I’m not sure. You know about as much as I do at this point.

Ok, just checked this week’s SSS cast…it’s the same as what has been at the beginning of the last 3 casts. :wink:

Canceled my expanded cable. No longer get Sci-Fi channel…so I’ll just catch the show (hopefully) on iTunes and listen to the casts.

New (unofficial) podcast promo up. This one (MP3) is a long one (ten minutes.)

Keep your screwdriver close…

Yeah, a type 4 standard one… :smiley:

First episode of the Blood and Chrome Podcast is our. Haven’t listened jet, only the 10 min trailer.

Show #2 is pretty good. They scored an interview with a Blunt and Candid Michael Nankin. I guess I can get used to the accents, “BLUD and CHRUM” :slight_smile:

Something that impressed me is the podcast, so far, is above average in accurately relaying information. Very little exists for B&C now but they got those details right. Ordinarily I wouldn’t put much stock in the following, but since they did have the rest right…

They cited a speculative budget for the Blood and Chrome pilot, a budget per episode and that there is an as yet unannounced eighteen episode order for the first season. If true, this is the biggest Syfy news of 2011 to date. I could not find a corroborating public source. It would mean the Blood and Chrome series will enjoy a larger budget than the first half season of Caprica did. Certain to anger Caprica fans.

The latest Blood and Chrome podcast mentions GWC (towards the end, as an example of Yanks following Red Dwarf.)

Hey, don’t know if anyone has taken a look yet, but there is a good size cast list on IMDB for Blood and Chrome.

Just contributes to my theory that there are only about 30 actors in Vancouver…
Not that I am complaining. They had plenty of great actors crossover from BSG to Caprica, and the trend will probably continue.

concept art for Blood and Chrome

she’s been…busy :eek:

It’s interesting, the depth of emotion and anger the old veterans had against the toasters in BSG always seemed… pretty dang big, like it was personal. Sure, genocide might do that, but it was across the board for the people who had gone against them before the attack on the colonies.

Based on the concept art, I’m thinking maybe some pretty bad stuff went down.

Have they announced an air date yet?

Are they even filming?

I thought of this when the BSG Group was spamming sci-fi games on Facebook yesterday and was anxious to see some news since this is the first BSG I will watch as it airs!

They started production in February…should be late this year/earky next

in WYF news …BSG Blood and Cheome may just be a webseries again

When you get to the bottom of it, tv shows still need corporate sponsors/advertisers. Like Chuck has with Subway

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