Blake's 7

Does anone know Blake’s 7? I’m a geek, and stuck in America,s o it never aired over here, but I have been ugh…aqurieing a few of the episodes. Its not the most orginal thing in the world, but the characters are actualy relly good. Its like a darker more ragic verhsion of firefly…only not.

Maybe Battlestar Galactica will end like Blake’s 7…I mean if Sean really wants he wheals to come off lol.

Wow. Yes, I loved Blake’s 7. It was on PBS in the U.S. maybe 20 or 25 years ago?
My favorite character was that guy on the ship with the very cold, semi-vilianous personality—I forget his name. His characeter had kind of a distincitve, precise way of speaking. Help me out Emily, you know who I mean. I think he was 2nd in command of the ship? Just a really well acted character.

That was Kerr Avon, played by Paul Darrow.

I was a huge fan of the show at the time and my ex-wife used to run the Atlanta Blake’s 7 fan club. The third season episode Rumours of Death remains one of my all-time favorite episodes from any series.

The thing I liked about the show was the moral ambiguity of the whole thing. The main characters were the “heroes” only because the people after them were even worse; most of the characters were self-serving at best.

Yes! Avon–what a great character. I loved how he played off of Blake who had such an opposite personality. Blake the big-hearted, self-sacrificing, noble (in his way) leader. Versus Avon who is cold, calculating and self-serviing (but whose noble qualities do emerge.) Great stuff.

Wow, I’m flashing back. What a great show it was. I used to watch it on PBS back in the day, but they didn’t repeat the episodes so I missed so many of them. This is one series that I would really love to see come out on DVD.

Yes ATGreat, an excellent series so dark it makes BSG look like Barney on Ecstasy. The series finale was just so unexpected. No broadcast company will ever produce a series with a similiar ending.

Amazon has the DVD’s in the UK. You should be able to find the USA equivalent.

ATGreat - The series is out on DVD but I think it is only in PAL Region 2. Every now and then there is talk of an NTSC Region 1 release but I haven’t heard anything about it lately.

Makes BSG look like Barney On Ecstasy. I like that description. :slight_smile:
I would say that it’s so dark, it makes BSG look like Scrubs… :smiley:

And since I live in the U.S., that means I have to wait, and wait and wait … :frowning: