The GWC krewe have provided hours (and hours!) of wonderful distraction and perhaps the best rationale for my iPod expenditure! With the upcoming release of the new DVD, I pray to the gods we’ll get a podcast/D2A on Bladerunner.
I’ve always thought there are some specific thematic parallels between Bladerunner (aka DADoES?) and Battlestar Galactica that would certainly not be lost on you guys, and it would be fun to hear and read a discussion in the community. Many questions have been aired in Bladerunner fandom, and many of these are addressed in BSG.
QUESTIONS! [said in Roy’s cold delivery]
What truly distinguishes between manufactured humanoids (cylons/replicants) and humans?
Is the humans’ need to subjugate their creation an expression of some primal drive to be the superior, or is it ultimately in our best interest to learn to live with–or even love–our creation?
Is Deckard a replicant? This relates to Baltar’s quandary. In both BR and BSG, it’s what these characters dream (project?) that leads us to suspect their identity.
Anders has referred to the humanoid cylons as “skinjobs,” an homage to M. Emmett Walsh’s character.
Like replicants, humanoid cylons are physically indistinguishable from humans. While Baltar was able to devise a blood test that identified Boomer as a cylon, with replicants it was a test of emotional response. One suspects the self-aware humanoid cylons would fail the Voigt-Kampff (especially Cavil!). The unaware cylons, those who have “memories” of growing up, etc. would pass with flying colours.
Female replicants: good-looking. Males, not so much…though this point is falling apart at this point in the series.
Anyway, thanks for all the great discussion!