Blade Runner - on the other hand

I don’t think the line, “I, have seen things you wouldn’t believe …[fill in sci-fi]… All these moments will be lost in time, like tears in the rain.” was from Dick’s novel, “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep.” I think they got that one from William Blake.

Boy, but did Hollywood go hog wild for Philip K. Dick after that film. How many Dick stories have been made into movies since then? Total Recall, Minority Report, Screamers, Through a Scanner Darkly…

I probably meant BSG.

You are absolutely correct re Blake. My (poorly made) point is that the writing in BR remains the best (or about the best) in any Sci Fi movie - ever.

The literary world has as well - Dick is the first Sci Fi writer to have his works included in (beautifully bound) Norton Anthology of American Literature. You probably already knew that.

BSG? Does not rign a bell.

There are also parts of Vancouver BC that looks like Caprica just before the attacks…

Much of New Orleans - my home - looks like New Caprica - 2 plus years after the attack.

No, I didn’t. I’ve been collecting his works in old paperback form – and I think I prefer them that way with those beautiful gaudy covers.

Damn! Did that guy write a lot of books – and there are still good movies to be made from them.

Caprica could probably incorporate “Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said.”

And “The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldrige” could be a great film.

“Dr. Bloodmoney” would be a good choice too.

's not so important anyways. Just some old 70s trash.