Blade Runner Final Cut

so i went to the limited engagement here in LA to see it and without spoilers it looked and sounded AMAZING still! there were a few changes i noticed and curious what others thought and picked up on as well(is it showing in other states?) or when it’s out in dec…ive seen now 3 versions in theaters and i
still see and hear differen’t things every time…the choice in sound fx and design still is so unique and vangelis? forget about it! american ganster next? can’t be worse than Kingdom of Heaven…

“Bald Runner”? Is that the episode where Picard is attached to Beverly Crusher and they’re being chased on a planet?

Can’t wait for the SE DVD this Xmas.

sorry my engrish no good…i was tired…that’s always a good excuse right?

Ummm . . . the director’s cut was released a long time ago . . . is this a new director’s cut??


Yessir. I keep on getting confused because I know we have talked about it on this forum, but it is spread all over the place.

Wikipedia has a good summary. A quick google will bring up several news articles on the subject. Bottom line, this is the “Final cut”. Although this sounds like a lame marketing plot, it really isn’t. Simply reading the history of this film is fascinating, watching the rights ebb and flow from one group to another, reading about a director fighting the studio, other investors and reactions…

…could be interesting!

Harrison Ford’s son played Deckard in the reshoots, which is pretty cool. And supposedly all the little errors have been fixed.

It would be neat if Ridley Scott got the chance to do the sequel, “Metropolis”. Supposedly there’s all sorts of rights issues preventing this, but at one time he was very serious about wanting to do it and both he and Harrison Ford loved the script. And at Comic Con this year he also said that he was toying with the idea of a sequel.

Here is a link to a review of the Final cut


Which version of Blade Runner do you like the most? There are 5 versions. The 1982 Theatrical cut, The 1982 international version, The 1992 director’s cut, the 2007 final cut and finally the rare workprint version.

Like the '07 Finah cut to be honest. Never did quite agree with the whole “riding off in the sun” ending that other versions had.

the first time I have seen bladerunner was the 07 cut, and going back through the other versions was a chore. 07 cut was the way to go, as scott dumped the reluctant sounding narration, got the pacing right, and had an ending that really clinched the “deckard is a replicant thing.” is that a spoiler? do we need a spoiler warning for movies over 20 years old?

could somebody please edit me!

[spoiler ]TEXT[/spoiler ]

just lose the extra spaces inside the brackets

and no, I don’t think we need spoiler tags for old movies. I’m curious about your reasoning, though, I’ve heard different things about the new version. Maybe I’ll netflix it, but I think everyone’s favorite version is always the one they’ve seen first.

They’re all good, because they all have Harrison and Eddie in them.:cool:

I’d say I like the Final cut the best, however its not much different from the Directors Cut. My feeling on the voice overs is that it makes the film easier to understand (don’t know if thats a good thing), but the quality and content of the voice over is jaring and at times unnessisary. Having seen the theatrical version first, then the directors cut made the directors cut easier to understand; if I hadn’t seen the theatrical cut first I probably would have been confused.

I think I like the Final Cut the best. The voice overs were my favorite part of this movie in my youth though. I loved the pulp feeling of the inner monologue. The reason I can say I like the Final Cut best (besides how visually beautiful it was remastered) was that it took me half of the movie to realize the monologues were gone and I hadn’t missed them.

Final Cut is probably the swellest one. As a kid, I also dug – and still do dig – the narration. I have a thing for narration, even tho’ it’s s’posed to be a crutch, technically speaking. Now that I’m a little older, I agree that the voice-over really steps on the final Roy Baty moment, though. I wish it could tune out for just that part.

What’d everyone think of how they used the leftover narration and the deleted scenes to create an alternate cut? I thought was a really neat, genius move.

I’m probably a bit biased as I saw the film without the narration first, but when I did get around to watching it with the narration it just felt unnecessary for me, and on some parts it totally killed my mood. Overall I’d have to say Final Cut is my favorite

I don’t remember if “Runciters” came up in the movie, but in the PC game, there was a “Runciters pet shop” - I only just now realized that “Runciters” was a word taken from PKD’s book “Ubik” - sweet!

I was so stoked when my Aunt bought me the four disc edition for X-mas. She took me by complete surprise. I has planning on buying the final cut and she saved me the trouble.

My take on the versions is that it depends on my mood. As a piece of art I prefer the the final cut. Yet, when I’m feeling lazy I like the voice over to help me follow the story.

Another awesome feature of the new edition is the 2 hour documentary, Dangerous Days. There’s a cool little treat for BSG fans. Besides Eddi, of course, Ron Moore makes an appearance talking about how the Replicants influenced the creation of the humanoid Cylons

Best. DVD extras. Ever.