Blade Runner 9/24 @ 10 PM ET

Director Trademark: [Ridley Scott] [Mothers] Leon shoots his interviewer just as he is asked a question about his mother.

I did not know that. Interesting. Dr. Freud? Paging Dr. Freud.

Roy Batty (Rutger Hauer)'s odd meld of “father” and “fucker” after he says to Tyrell, “I want more life” is deliberate. Hauer was instructed to pronounce it in such a way that it could be both; “fucker” was to be used in the theatrical cut, “father” in all versions of the film for TV.

They have terminator like eyes.

I imagine that either could come to mind when meeting your creator. :slight_smile:

The Kiss of Death.


Fredo, you broke my heart!

The Theatrical Cut is decidedly less bloody than I remember it. :slight_smile:

Congrats on 29,071, Badger!

“Have a better one.”

I’ve always liked that. It’s so much more realistic than wishing someone a good day. :slight_smile:

Thanks! OMGs, I can’t believe I didn’t even notice! :rolleyes:

You know how you hear that other actors were cast for a role. Imagine if they start to release films with the re-cast. They could probably do that with proper programming, etc.

For example, I want to see Blade Runner with Debbie Harry as Pris and Clint Eastwood as Deckard.

wonders who else is afraid to ask

I bet Sean lurves this scene.

Pris kickin’ Deckard’s arse.

Once CGI is good enough, Justin Bieber could be in a movie with Lon Chaney. :slight_smile:

I love how her hair goes all "Asian Ghost’ when she attacks!:slight_smile:

That thrashing was freaky.

Oh shit… It is’The Hitcher’ better run Decker!:eek:

Just thot it might be interesting to celebrate odd, weird numbers as milestones instead of increments of 1,000.

A voice in my head said to do it. We don’t question the voice in my head.

There is no spooky music and this scene is terrifying. Brilliant performances by Ford and Hauer.

When 29,000 posts you reach, look as sane you will not. :rolleyes:

Wow, had me thinking I was missing something and would have lost geek cred if I asked.