Blade Runner 9/24 @ 10 PM ET

Friday, 24 September 2010
10 PM Eastern - 7 PM Pacific
(Calculate Time Zone)

“Quite an experience to live in fear, isn’t it? That’s what it is to be a slave.”

The Theatrical Cut is available to watch online at Netflix.

Starting Final Cut.

Edwad James Olmos.


Starting Theatrical Cut.

This should be interesting, with all of us watching different movies. :slight_smile:

Youtubers have it worse. d:

I don’t know which version I’m watching.

Are you watching the Netflix link?

They don’t do matte/miniatures like that anymore…

“What desert?”

I would answer like that.

Oh no! I’m a replicant!!

The guy questioning looks plastic. He’s a replicant!!

This tortoise scene is downright unsettling. :eek:

Nope. DVD.

That’s a powerful gun!

“Let me tell you about my mother.”

His timing was all off. Here at the Samuel Jackson school of acting we can teach you how to properly use the term, MUTHA!!

“A new life awaits you in the off world colonies…”:slight_smile:

“I mean you’re not helping. Why is that, Leon?” :eek:

Gives me the shivers.

Indy!! I mean HAN!! I mean…

Bruce Willis had it easy… His noodles flew up to his apartment!:smiley: