Black Widow vs. Sulu

The Marvel/Iron Man movies vs. Trek Reboot spills into a second week. You can neither contain nor stop it!

Natasha “Black Widow” Romanova vs. Hikaru Sulu

A browser crash just ate my tale of the tape. So I’ll keep it simple.

In the black corner: Natasha “Black Widow” Romanova.
Superspy and femme fatale. Fluent in multiple languages and even more fighting styles. Outsmarted a god.




In the red corner: Hikaru “Mr.” Sulu. [/b]
Starfleet officer. Formidable swordsman. Has a doctorate in astrophysics and botany. Proficient with weapons modern (by his standards), primitive (by ours), and timeless (such as the sword). In various accounts of debatable canon-icity, he eventually became Starfleet’s commanding officer and later unprecedented three-term president of the United Federation of Planets.



Diplomatic skills aside… here, they square off in a Deathmatch. Who ya got?

Black Widow == Michelle Jenneke :: Sulu == Hurdles
