Yeah, too bad about that.
Next ep is a Killer… he heh.
You really shouldn’t miss anything because it builds up the story.
Aren’t most of them? d:
Dunno what you think of 13 and 14 then. (:
The commander is crying out of his nose? Weird.
If you skip intro and endings and previews, you should catch up soonish.
Started #6.
Revy certainly is in a foul mood.
Omrah, Revi vs Vicious, who would win?
Charles Witman, forgot that reference. I had to wiki him the first time I saw this.
I would say Vicious, he has war experiance (Titan Campaign) and is more cool and calculating. A cool head under pressure is valuable. Revvy is too hair trigger and psychotic.
And now for comic releif, uber dweeb.
Very impressive mass murderer.
ETA: How would Japanese viewers remotely get that reference?
Always bet on BLACK>>
I can see and buy that.
Wow. I love this series.
They have wikipedia too. A Japanese came up with the reference anyway presumably. d:
:00 for next.
Badger should be caught up after #7.
“Now that’s one to grow on. Say hi to the Fürher for me.”
And Japan has a superior educational system.
An original Hitler? I bet that would go for a pretty penny.