Black Lagoon June 11th 6PM ET

“…he’s gonna weld our assholes.”

That’s original. And terrifying. :eek:

This show is full of lines like that. (:

As much anime as I watch, I can never understand why Japanese characters never look remotely Japanese. What kind of twisted cultural self-awareness is that?

Its a fucking HIND!!! :eek:

That’s a topic for a thread by itself. d:

You are supposed to shoot the assualt rifle not throw it you dip shit!

Heh. I remember how this ends. :smiley:

He had equal (zero) chance of hitting it either way. d:

So we start again at the bottom of the hour correct?

I will say Dutch looks as close to African American as I’ve ever seen with my history of anime.

I think so?

Started. Past intro.

You two still here?

Thanks for the breaks. At least I can get something done here without missing anything, instead of sitting on my ass for two hours straight. :slight_smile:

Even more than Mr. Popo? :rolleyes:

Mangroves are creepy.


That ain’t right.

That’s why he’s blue now. It’s amazing how someone that was a good idea. :eek:

Wow. That was… ambitious. :eek:

“Yeah! You got fucked!”

Uh. OK.

YOU GOT FUCKED! Now that is some good dialog…:smiley:

This how Firefly got started right?.. :smiley: