Every year, the university prints up directories. Every year there is a giant pile of directories sitting in the union with a sign begging people to take them.
We should have a card game at the meetup
It’s amazing how much time, effort, and paper goes into maintaining a resource that’s outdated the day it comes out.
Kansas meets soap operas.
Billy the Kid really was particularly accepting of everything that’s happening.
“Those are historical babes.”
And nobody makes any money off of them. How have they managed to continue existing?
Maybe he thot he was drunk?
It’s all advertising. The same reason that junk mail still exists.
Some phone companies are finally offering by request only. About time.
But why would a company still buy an ad for a phonebook? It seems like a waste of money on their part.
Medieval dickweed. hehe
“How’s it going, royal ugly dudes?”
“Put them in the iron maiden.”
“Iron Maiden? Excellent!”
“Execute them!”
The same reason that companies still buy banner ads on websites: because they think it’ll make them money. Even though the rest of the world tries very hard to ignore them.
Certainly one of the most surreal scenes ever filmed. :eek:
“Be excellent to each other!”
“Party on, dudes!”
Not really the worst basis for a society, IMO.
Put it in the GWCville constitution, right after the “Don’t be a dick” clause
Hey! It’s the singing telegram girl from Clue!
Napoleon cheats? Who’da thunk it? :rolleyes:
At least he’s subtle about it.
Do you utilize a lot of pudding cans and chewing gum in engineering projects?
You’ve got to love the innocent times when you could take a saber into a bowling alley.