Bill Murray-less Ghostbusters 3 Story Ideas

Bill Murray has consistently maintained that he does not want to be a part of Ghostbusters 3. I’ve also heard talk of Ghostbusters 3 being a continuation of the story as the reigns are handed off to a new generation of Ghostbusters. I’d like to open the floor up to ideas that the writers and production team for Ghostbusters 3 could use.

For example, prior to the first scene of Ghostbusters 3 Dr. Peter Venkman is forced to hand over his share of the company due to a much belated paternity suit. Jennifer Runyon returns as the mother of Venkman’s now 30 year old son. Who is Jennifer Runyon? She played the female student that Venkman was testing at the beginning of Ghostbusters. Dr. Venkman’s son is now attempting to return the Ghostbusters business to profitability in a recession that’s hit the east coast hard. That keeps the connection to Venkman/Murray, brings back the original actress and the rest of the original cast could still be involved.

Let’s hear what you’ve got GWC!

~Shooter Out

My only request is that Huey Lewis write a new song with the lyrics “Who ya gonna tweet? Ghostbusters!!”

Frankly, he was barely in Part II. And we see how well that worked out.

So, the original GB3 plot synopsis I read years and years ago was this Ghost Busters in Hell kind of scenario, then all the way more recent rumors of handing the reigns over. Why not do a combination of the two? Those guys were legit the funniest people of their generation, why not have it be them hiring in a younger crew after a set up scene in the beginning with some Lethal Weapon, “We’re too old for this shit,” type humor. Bill Hader, the gloomy girl from Parks and Rec, Clark Duke or whatever, Seth Rogen, Jonah Hill, the guy who plays Daryl on the Office. The possibilities are endless, and then do like a full city wide infestation/possession with a legitametly terrifying tone – think the Silent Hill. Let those new kids be scared out of their minds while being funny. … I’m a GhostBusters’ fanboy.