Bicentennial Man 2/11 @ 10 PM ET

I can see them not declaring him human, but saying he’s still a robot was a bit harsh. I think their immortal argument made sense.

Yeah, I knew that from the first time I saw the movie. But still, she let a human die even though she was ordered.


I welcome our robot masters and their court system.

I took it to be an indication of the complexity of understanding of the laws. The first law prevents a robot from harming a human, not preventing one’s death. Especially with the elderly, that’s a fairly significant difference.

I have 2:11:35.

I don’t. How does how long you live come into the argument except for jealousy and envy? That’s a fair and unbiased court!?!

That would be kinda scary. Especially, if they only see black and white.

But, I dunno if it would be better or worse than our current lopsided system.

Hm… Oops then. d:

I dunno. Maybe they are trying to make it seem more like the real world that way?

He died like a human: unpredictably. :frowning:

Besides, their decision was already made, even if he hadn’t heard it.

I took it to be a religious argument, like the one about Data’s soul or lack thereof. How could a court declare a superior being “merely” human?

Take it a bit further, with listening devices and cameras just about everywhere. Robots would be connected to those systems. Your guilt or innocence of an act would be recorded and portrayed before a court. Let’s also take into account a feeling robot, with emotions such as pity for the accused. I don’t know. Then there is the processing power and intelligence.

You know what? You’re right. I’m not sure if it’s better either.

When are we frakking DARYL and GITS II?

If one is recorded and innocent, why would a court be involved? In the robot court world I mean.

Let’s stick with Saturday at 7 for GITS and maybe D.A.R.Y.L. this Sunday? It’s kind of short notice, since it’s not on Instant Watch, but there are always… other means. :rolleyes:

My feeling was, “Why does it matter?” Well, it matters to Andrew. He wanted to be considered human but what I couldn’t grasp was why they couldn’t rule upon that he was a distinctly unique being. IMO, it’s not fair to judge a unique being according to human standards. It is therefore a slave-master relationship. Even though Andrew is considered superior, he is treated inferior because of foolish human pride.

Fight the POWER!!

Fine for me. Make sure it’s GitS II: Innocence, an not 2.0?

Talos, you (and Badger too) wanna frak part 1 before at 5:00?


I don’t know. You got me there.

A compassionate court would consider context as well as facts. Stealing to feed your family? Killing in self-defense? No fair court can be absolute in criminal sentencing. Why matters as much as what.

I still haven’t seen the first one yet. Me so slow.

That would make you guilty though.

That’s why I asked. I could fire up part 1 no if you’re up for it.

Nah. I have to get up early tomorrow. Need sleep.