Best Terminator Poll (movies, show, comics, etc.

What’s your favorite Terminator?

Had to go for Sarah Conner Chronicles. Not a big Arhnuld fan but still enjoyed the movies though.

“Best Terminator Poll”?

I don’t want to know Arnie that closely…



I guess, if you could extrapolate from the T3 Boobs McGee model, the T-1000could out-morph the T-800 for superior size – but that would be subject to how they’re programmed. Not the size, but what they do with it.

Like the Star Trek TNG situation where Data hooks up with Tasha Yar:

“Are you programmed for pleasure?”

“Yes. I am.”


Definitly have to go with T2. Not only is the movie kick ass, but T2 changed movies forever in terms of SFX. Abyss hinted at what was possible and T2 put CGI animation on the map.

As Audra said, he’s swinging in the breeze in the first movie…

He is programmed to make stabbing weapons. :smiley:

I like T2 best. Love the juxposition of Arnold in this one. Plus Linda Hamliton is so badass, beautiful and buffed! We rarely see women like that and it seems like they’re even more rare in films now. I also like seeing more of the story about man’s downfall. It really fraks with your mind when all the technology was developed from the orginial T’s parts. Makes you think the machines went back to make sure THEY were created, rather than to kill the Conners.

I couldn’t decide, so in true hipster fashion, I voted ironically.