Bear McCreary' sneak peek at Caprica's main theme

I kinda already like it :slight_smile:


what a cool guy

Thanks it is wonderful. Family themes not character theme interesting.

Is it weird that this has me more excited for Caprica than anything so far has? And I was fairly excited before…

I liked that rather a lot. Dark and twisty and complex.

As do I;

I hope it stays as simply piano based as this is.
Thanks for posting

Tks for that Yorick.

I like it. I’m really looking forward to Caprica.

I’m getting a Romeo * Juliet vibe for Caprica… the piano playing reminds me of some Russian themes… (can’t remember who now :confused:)… he uses 9th chords in a minor key… sounds almost like an inverse counterpoint to opening theme of Rachmaninov’s Piano Concerto no.2 :smiley:


This is the famous version that was in the movie, Shine :eek:


Very dark feel to this theme. This show is going to be more then people are expecting.
I can just feel it. I can’t wait.

I just listened to the Caprica theme again and thw words that come to mind are “ambiguous” & “conflicted”.

I’m expecting a lot of gray shading.

I like it a lot – but, it being McCreary, that’s no surprise. I wonder if there will be any “cross-pollination” from his BSG scores? Not a lot, I wouldn’t expect that – but this seems to have some hints of the Passacaglia (sp?) – maybe every now and then? Whatever he produces, I am sure it will be one of the show’s strongest aspects. Awesome.

Have news clips in the background of an up and coming composer, Dreillade Thrace, and we hear little bits of watchtower.

That would be neat :smiley:

Haha, I was so excited, I had just joined the forum, and was gonna point out the Romeo Juliet feel as my first post and feel like I had contributed something interesting. Oh well. I completely agree though. The whole dynamic of the show, or atleast what we know about it thus far, is sounding really cool. And I’m really liking this theme music with it.