BATVERSE - Huntress, Catwoman, Birds of Prey, Nightwing

I’m planning on digger deeper into the Batman-related universe, I’m looking for suggestions on

  1. Catwoman: So far, I’ve read Selina’s Big Score, which was not outstanding, but I liked it a lot, Cooke’s art is not my cup of tea, I like the photo-realistic styles much better. I also read When In Rome[COLOR=Silver], which I enjoyed a lot, the story was entertaining and the book contained some very sexy renditions of Catwoman. I also have [COLOR=Yellow]The Dark End Of The Street here, but I haven’t read it yet, as far as I can see it’s the first TBP in a new run of Catwoman and I’d like to hear opinions if anyone has read this run or parts of it.

  2. Huntress: I’m very new to this character, so far I’ve only read Batman/Huntress: Cry For Blood and that was mediocre, but I’m curious about this character, because she’s hot and part of

  3. Birds of Prey: What exactly is this? I’m new to the teenage super-heroes of DC, I know there’s something called The Teen Titans out there, but Bird of Prey is a different series and I have to say, if it’s got entertaining stories and great drawings of hot young chicks, I’d like to check this out. Any opinions?

  4. What about Nightwing? Is he good? Does he have his own series?

Oh and lest I forget, what about the TV series “Birds of Prey” - it’s coming out on DVD - worth renting?

I loved the Catwoman series, it went a bit rubbish when the intial creative team were all gone, but came back really well under Will Pfeiffers writing, althogh sadly it’s now been cancelled.

  1. Huntress: I’m very new to this character, so far I’ve only read Batman/Huntress: Cry For Blood and that was mediocre, but I’m curious about this character

I do’t like the character, she’s the Cousin Oliver of the Bat-books to me, although she does work quite well in JLA on occasion.

  1. Birds of Prey: What exactly is this? I’m new to the teenage super-heroes of DC, I know there’s something called The Teen Titans out there, but Bird of Prey is a different series and I have to say, if it’s got entertaining stories and great drawings of hot young chicks, I’d like to check this out. Any opinions?

I like Birds Of Prey, because I like Barbera Gordon as Oracle. It’s not really that related to Teen Titans, BOP is usually quite good, but Teen Titans is just rubbish and full of B list rip-offs of C list characters.

  1. What about Nightwing? Is he good? Does he have his own series?

Nightwing is great, of course, it depends on the writer, but the character is fantastic. He has his own title, which swings wildly between great and rubbish.

Oh, and the BOP TV show is really poor. Personally, i wouldn’t waste the money.

Wow, I can’t thank you enough for this insight again, without a tour guide, I’d be totally lost in the vastness of the DC universe sometimes.

Cool, I’ll read Catwoman and Birds of Prey then.

Birds of Prey TV series is an enjoyable guilty pleasure, a light snack.

Okay, so I peeked into the Birds of Prey: Like Minds storyline today. And I have to say, the writing strikes me a bit as aimed at teenagers and not as mature as many of the darker Batman stories. There’s a lot of great eye candy, though.

So, if I were to ask for one specific Birds of Prey storyline that’s like the best or one of the best in terms of writing or suspense or plot or whatever, what would it be?

my friend gave me this series a while back and i have to agree :slight_smile: was disappointed in mia sara as harley quin instead of sherilyn fenn :frowning:

Oh, how could I forget Batgirl[COLOR=Silver]?

I’m interested in the new Batgirl, Cain, think I’m gonna try out one of the TPBs…

Four months later, I’ve dug deep, deep, into the DC titles that accompany the main Batman lines, Catwoman, Birds of Prey, Batgirl and I love them all, it’s such a great universe, and it all makes me really care about the characters and it’s all about hot women in slinky outfits!

See if you can track down a copy of DANGER GIRL…

Looks promising …

You know ther’s no more Robin, Nightwing, or Birds of Prey after february?

But there’s also rumors that there will be at least two new series called “Batman and Robin” and “Red Robin” to reflect the changes in the DC Universe.

And as for Birds of Prey, I stopped reading after Gail Simone left. Was that a mistake or no?

I never read BoP so I dunno

I was enjoying Robin and Nightwing waaaaaaay more than regular Batman though so I’m disapointed

I never really got into Robin or Nightwing. I know I liked Stephanie Brown as Robin a lot. And I recently bought the Nightwing/Huntress crossover book - haven’t read it yet - but I mostly bought it for the sex.

It’s really hard to find collections of Barbara Gordon Batgirl. There’s one Showcase Presents, but that’s mostly really old stuff, like 50s and 60s, I’m looking more for late 70s/early 80s stuff, but that’s just totally hard to find!

I already got Batgirl: Year One, though, which I loved. I just can’t get enough Barbara Gordon Batgirl. It’s my thing for redheads as much as that I just took to her entire character in Birds of Prey so much.

I love the Barbara Gordon character, but I never liked Batgirl, it’s the closet feminist in me… She wore heels while fighting crime!!!

Also apparently, I’m a fan of practical shoes

There’s nothing wrong with a woman displaying her femininity in my mind. As long as she’s comfortable with it.

Anyway, I too love Barbara, at the end of Gail Simone’s run on Birds of Prey, when I saw that very last panel with Barbara, I really almost cried.

Have you read Birds of Prey? Can you say anything about the quality of the stuff that came before and/or after Simone’s work on Birds?

Oh and I totally got lucky last night, I scored a copy of Batgirl Special #1 off Ebay Germany for 1.99€ plus shipping. The same book would have cost 20$ off Amazon US plus international shipping. Yay for that!

You can’t do backflips in heels! Running is hard enough!

Dangit… It’s a great costume though.

Have you read Birds of Prey? Can you say anything about the quality of the stuff that came before and/or after Simone’s work on Birds?

I tried to read it, but the art and writing never struck a balance, it was either good art and bad writing, or good writing and bad art.

Oh and I totally got lucky last night, I scored a copy of Batgirl Special #1 off Ebay Germany for 1.99€ plus shipping. The same book would have cost 20$ off Amazon US plus international shipping. Yay for that!

Well played that man!