Battlestar Galactica Comics?

Does anybody else read BSG comics?

I have thought about it, and have wanted to try them, but are they actually any good (warning: if you say yes, I will probably buy a few)?

Well, I’ll be honest with you. I’ve read all of the BSG Reimaged comics and am continuing to read them so I’ll give you my honest opinion of them on a scale of 1-10:

“Battlestar Galactica” (12 issues) - 2

“Battlestar Galactica: Zarek” (4 issue mini) - 8.5 <- I would recommend this one, very good. Tells the back story of Tom Zarek, really cool.

“Battlestar Galactica: Season Zero” (continuing series, probably 12 total) - 6.5 <- written by the same guy that wrote Zarek so I was expecting a lot. Didn’t quite deliver, but has a cool weaving story that does involve the Cylons. I’m enjoying it.

"Battlestar Galactica: Origins: (continuing series about the back story of our favorite characters) - 7 <- This one is kinda cool. Every 4 or so issues is about a different character. the first 4 were about Baltar, it was neat, but I thought they could have done something better. Now they are doing William Adam. So far it’s really cool.

“Battlestar Galactica: War” (this is a new one that hasn’t come out yet. I think it’s going to be about the first Cylon war.)

The biggest critizism that I have with the comics is that sometimes they use verbage that doesn’t really fit in the Galactica world. If you can over look it then the stories aren’t that bad. Except for the first 12 issue story arc. It was REALLY stupid. Well, I thought it was anyway. It was about Sharon, except it was about the orginal Sharon that all the other Cylon model 8’s were based on. So I guess she was human, but I didn’t like it.

The Zarek one sounds interesting, but sadly, I live in a very rural region (actually, that has its benefits though) with no comic shops, so if I want something I have to order it online. Anyhoo, that means for me I have to settle for buying collections in hardcover or paperback, though hopefully these comics will come out in some kind of omnibus.

I have picked up and have on subscription… Season Zero and Origins… I was unaware of any other comic series… Anyway… I have not read them yet… I dunno why… Perhaps I am saving them for this seasons break… If I read slow enough, I’ll last until BSG comes back on…heheehheee…

I agree with most of your ratings. I haven’t started season Zero yet.

I would have to disagree with the 2 on the first 12 issue series. You kind of have to take that series with a grain of salt. It started midway through season 2 and before season 3. So some things conflict. The best comparison I can make is that of the old Marvel Star Trek books during the TOS movie era. The story goes off in interesting directions, but then a movie would come along and conflict with the books.

The Zarek mini is the best of the bunch and a very fascinating story. Origins is great too. I’ve only read the first Baltar arc, but I’m loving the series so far.

Another RIS book not mentioned is Pegasus. Made before Razor, so you have to forgive some story points. I liked the story.

I’ve yet to read any of the new TOS series by the same company. One thing I think that might turn off fans of the new show is that in the RIS comics they tend to infuse more elements from TOS than the show does. Similar in what Razor did by bringing the old Centurions to life. Personally, I love it and can’t wait to read the First Cylon War series

Hi ya’all, this is my first post, so bear with me. I’m personally not a comic reader…ok that’s not entirly true. The only comics I buy are the BSG, Serenity, and an occasional Star Trek and Star Wars collection. The BSg comics are good reading in my opinion. I try not to take them as the dreaded canon. Just good stories to read. My favorite so far has been the Adama Origins story. It’s a good read with informative information relating to the history of the character. I try not to take the stories to seriously and just enjoy another outlet into the BSG universe. Anyway Thanks to the Watercooler crew for your awesome Podcast and great forum.


Welcome aboard, Yoti. And yeah, reading comics based on a property requires a certain… what’s the word?

“Smart”? :slight_smile:

Welcome, Yoti14! :slight_smile: It’s nice to see some more upper-Midwesterners around… as I’m a transplant to a place where no one has ever been to where I’m from, nor do they ever plan to. It’s sad.

But welcome! :smiley:

I’m new also (but this isn’t my first post). I haven’t read too many comics, but what I have read, I liked a lot. I actually have a comic issue that I have been keeping special. I keep it more as a collector’s item than as a re-read.

It is Battlestar Galactica - The Official Adaptation of the Television Sensation, Marvel Super Special Number 8, Circa 1978. It has bonus articles and even a printed interview with John Dykstra.

My favorite comic that I have ever read though was Frank Miller’s “Dark Knight Returns” 1&2.

