Since the close of the 2012 meetup, I’ve repeatedly told my wife that it was a life changing event for me. And it truly has been. I’ve truly grown in these few short weeks and it is in no small part due to every one of you. I’ve seen the good in humanity I had previously thought lacking. I had become cynical and arrogant. I saw how people treated each other with disgust and prejudice. I myself began to act this way.
But I found myself in awe of what GWC was. We aren’t random people on the internet spewing filth and hate. We aren’t racist and bigoted.
We are people from every walk of life. We are American, Canadian, German, Australian.
We are white, black, Asian, and Hispanic.
We are gay, straight, white collar, blue collar.
We are gamers and sports fans.
We are Christians, Muslims, atheists.
We are of every people, every country.
We are from every creed, color, sex.
We are diverse beyond imagination.
And yet, we are family. We are the GWC.