Battle of the Rivers! River Song vs. River Tam

River Song at her best:


Nice Death Blossom there. d: I love the music too because it sounds like Mass Effect. (:

River Tam at her best:


Just imagine her with lightsabers (found a video, but the quality was bad). d:

Two Rivers enter, one leaves… Or, they both form a pond. Who knows?

P.S. No Baltar option. Go with your gut feeling.

I thought it was 2 Ponds who formed a River…

Anyway I gotta go with Tam, especially once she came into her own in Serenity. Damn near a deus ex machina that girl.

Lakes maybe?

Dr. Who is the very definition of deus ex machina. But, River Song also has her moments as one on occasion.

it’s weird, i love Summer Glau, but I think River Song was awesome in the scene as well… In the end I went with River Tam because… i don’t like Song’s voice…

Whatever the reason, you not voting for Tam would be a sign of the apocalypse. (: