Battle Beyond the Stars

After the StarCrash trailer, I looked for similar movies and look what I found!

It’s called Battle Beyond the Stars and even though it’s another blatant Star Wars ripoff, the trailer alone had a lot of cool elements (I think):

a) the sound effect of the TNG photon torpedo

b) the uterus-shaped ship that has already been discussed in another thread

c) a ship that looked like an old Cylon raider

d) Hannibal from the A-Team


All these cool B-movies were made in the 80s, I totally missed out on those, I think I’m gonna buy this one and StarCrash just for the fun of watching really bad scifi!

I remember seeing this on cable as a kid. I don’t remember any of the plot, but I remember the ship. Good ol John Saxon.

THis was actually an important B movie for its time as it was a Roger Corman New World PIctures film which boasted pretty good special effects on an extremelyt low budget thanks to a very young James Cameron who was allowed to take over the special effects unit and sort oflaunched his careeer otu of this fim along with Writer John Sayles, famous producer Gayle ANn Hurd etc etc
Fim would have been better had They not casted John Boy from the Waltons as the lead…
fun low budget guilty pleasure
Thanks for Reading

I remember this quite well, Star Wars meets the Magnificent Seven!

This film has had chunks of it used in several other even more low budget movies.

I must have seen some of the spaceship footage in at least four other flicks myself, but then I watch a lot of “so bad they’re good Sci Fi/Horror films”.

Most memorable character has got to be the Valkyrie bint with the chest though. Blimey! :smiley:

I have seen it several times-- my dad had it on vhs. It was a fun movie. Over the years I have seen several other low budget scifi space flicks and the funny thing is—all the ships have been used in other movies.

Yay for recycling!!
