Badass Bustup Bonzana - Riddick vs Simon Phoenix

We have the two badasses in Sci-fi, we have the black and white pant wearing Simon Phoenix vs the Badass of the dark - Richard B Riddick.

Setting: We’re talking a no hold barred fight, weapons are allowed, death is welcome and survival is the name of the game. Who will win in the ultimate showdown.

We’re talking about CoR Riddick and future Simon Phoenix

Which Simon? Before his enhancements or after?

Future simon phoenix - After enhacements…

I’m just keeping in mind that Stallone (I forget what his character name was) managed to beat him with almost no enhacements.

Riddick. Why?

Because while Simon may be better hand to hand (if only ever-so-slightly) I get the impression that he lacks focus and something shiny twinkling on the horizon will distract him. This will provide Riddick the opportunity to give Phoenix a hair cut with that bad blade of his.

And BTW, that haircut? It will be REAL close to the shoulders. :wink:

So sez me.