Babylon 5: 5x08 Day of the Dead - 5/8 @ 11PM ET

Saturday, May 8th, 2010
11 PM Eastern - 8 PM Pacific
4 AM (SUN) UK/Ireland
5 AM (SUN) Germany
12 PM (SUN) Seoul
2 PM (SUN) Melbourne

“Because it tells me to.”

any B5 folks out there??

And so it begins…

what up ATG!

I’m here. I finally got home. Badger can’t make it because he’s still trying to get home from NYC.

Penn and Teller on B5. I don’t think it worked they way they thought it should work.

yeeeeaaaaahhh - its a little awkward I think

the fact that Lenier says “zoot zoot” is actually kinda cool

It’s kinda like the joke isn’t funny, everyone is laughing at the fact that the joke was told badly.

So, there is NO WHERE ELSE ON THE STATION that G’Kar can sleep? he has to be in the command deck? What about the observation deck?

yeah…that’s kinda wierd…

cant even crash in another Narns room

great—cockroaches…I’ll justover here being nauseous

And listening to Lockley’s back story, how did she get into Earthforce? A druggy burnout runnaway gets into cadet training. Earthforsce must have been REALLY hard up for officers.

I had a fantastic dinner, but I don’t want to taste it again… :eek:

maybe witht he buildup to the Earth Miimbaru war they needed to get as many folks as possible

Mister Mordon…

For understandable reasons, I know Lockley’s character wouldn’t use a character from a previous episode, but they could have written a better backstory.

wish we knew more about more about what happen to Lennier after…stuff

Lockley would have been in cadet training before the Humans met the Minbari.

“we have the situation well in hand”

That would have been an interesting story, but it would either have ended in Lenner coming back and rejoin the Rangers or die. Dieing would be depressing, and being reinstated might feel forced.