Babylon 5: 5x01 No Compromises - 4/17 @ 10PM ET

Saturday, April 17th, 2010
10 PM Eastern - 7 PM Pacific
3 AM (SUN) UK/Ireland
4 AM (SUN) Germany
11 AM (SUN) Seoul
1 PM (SUN] Melbourne

“On my world, we have learned that an inauguration is simply a signal to assassins that a new target has been set up on the firing range.”

what up all

I’m here, just waiting to start.

And so it begins…

Look, a ranger was captured alive.

heheheh–they have a “package”

Lockley has Shelby disease…

I do like the opening credits for this season.

Fortunately she does grow out of it.

Sargeant Slaughter - cant help but picture the wrestler :smiley:

Silly question–why is Mimbar the “logical choice” for the Interstellar Alliance HQ?

I know the future of this store, but wouldn’t Sheridan know which captains were on his side or not?
Also, whats with all of the security talk in the public spaces?

And also, why is Lockly doing what is probably important work in an “Open Air” restaurant?

Y’know, if youre gonna send a death threat…I gotta respect the polite “Have a nice day”

Hey - can you write something for me that will guide the entire freaking galaxy real quick? Thanks!!

sounds like deadlines at work…

So Byron is leading Amish telepaths?

Stick with “Short but sweet”.

“he’s very fond of you…”

yeah, cuz you have big…ideals

Sounds like Locley just p00ned Garibaldi

he never does really like her much…